
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Treasures & Trinkets Thursday.....My future treasures!

I thought I would share some of the items I got at yard sales this week cause they will be my FUTURE treasures! I hit a couple of really good ones and here are some of the things I got!

Ohhh, I'm SO excited to show you what I got, but I'm saving my BEST item for last!

This first item had a sticker of $1.00 on I picked it up and was looking at it......(I had already decided it was worth a buck) when the lady said, "oh you can have it for fifty cents!"
I like the chippy finish on it, so I'll show you later how I decorate with it.

The next item I just purchased because I KNOW I will be able to use it later on multiple projects...
after all, who doesn't LOVE paintable wallpaper that looks like ceiling tin!
I got it for a buck.
(it's still new in plastic!)

The next thing I bought was just SO beautiful I couldn't pass it up~!
(remember I have three boys~)

I actually plan on using the overlay for a pillow or to cover lampshades
Just look at the sweet embroidery!
It was only $2.00!

(I almost feel guilty for thinking about cutting it up!)

Okay you guys, now don't laugh at this next item...
I KNOW it's ugly, but I didn't buy it for the clock, I bought it for the bubble glass and the frame.
Are you ready to see it??
(it's actually not too bad looking in this photo, but it was in real life)

And no, it's not broken, I was just so excited to get it apart I had already taken the back off
when I realized I  needed a "before" picture. :)
I have some cool plans for this frame and bubble glass!

Are you ready for my last item.?
I am SO giddy about this find that I can't even begin to express it in words!~
YOO HOO!! (ok maybe those words start to tell you how excited I was to find this! LOL)

Here we go...........

I got this baby for (you aren't gonna believe this..) $5.00!
Yes, you read that right...5 bucks!
The lady said she had paid $15 for it but then decided she couldn't use it....
great for me!
I know, I know it's brass...but all you guys know what I do with anything brass, right? :-D
(I'll let you in on a little secret...I've already started working on this one...I just couldn't wait!!)
You guys aren't gonna believe how great it's looking!

Well that's my yard sale goodies....
what have you got that you can link up
I wanna see your treasures OR future treasures!

Blessings and Hugs

Monday, June 28, 2010

The continuing saga of the Cabinet Cliffhanger... Ok, it's just a cabinet update, but it was a fun title! :)

I'm making a little headway on my cabinet project! If you have just started following my blog you can find out more about my cabinet project here, here and here!

I have started the painting process on the cabinets as you can see in this pic...

I started out by using this...

I wanted something that would block stains too and this stuff has worked great!
After THREE coats of torture because I hate to use primer,
I have started painting with this...

It's a latex, semi-gloss, bright white paint....seems to be doing the job.
(and it's environmentally friendly with zero VOC's..good for my nose smell!)

Here is what I have painted so far!
Actually a little more than this...I have that other set already primed too. :)

This is a tiring, tedious job, but it's gonna be worth it in the end! (I hope!)
I know many of you are ready for me to get finished with these, but it takes a lot of time and I've also been gone for a few days so that kinda hindered my progress.
I promise I will be showing you more soon....
as soon as my arm stops throbbing from all this painting! LOL

I can't WAIT to show you where I'm putting them and what I'm gonna be putting on them! I'm SO excited!
hee hee hee!

Blessings & Hugs

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cool cooking tips & ideas!

I came across these cooking tip and ideas and thought I would share them with you...some I've never heard before!  So here we go!

 1. If you peel a banana from the bottom, you won't have to peel off any of those stringy things. (monkeys peel them this way) :)

 2. Store your uneaten chunks of cheese in foil, it keeps longer and mold doesn't grow nearly as fast.

 3. Peppers with 3 bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating.
    Peppers with 4 bumps on the bottom are firmer and better for cooking.

 4  For a great brownie treat, bake brownies as directed.  Melt mint chocolate patties in a double boiler and pour over brownies...let cool and enjoy a minty chocolately icing!

 5   Re-heat pizza in a non-stick skillet on top of the stove over medium low more microwave soggy crust!

 6.  When you make deviled eggs, put the yokes in a plastic zip lock and smoosh them up, add the rest of your favorite deviled egg mayo, paprika etc, mix in bag, cut off corner and squeeze into egg and throw the bag away.  No clean up!

 7.  Place a cup of water in your microwave when re-heating refridgerated pancakes, bread & biscuits.  The added moisture will keep your food moister and will also help it reheat faster.

 8.  When you plant new plants, add layers of newspapers around them, then wet and mulch over the weeds! :)

 9.  Put a dryer sheet in your pocket and it will keep mosquitos away!

10. Sprinkle your plants with cayenne pepper to keep squirrels away.

11. Pin a small safety pin in the seam of clothes with static clean and walla...static cling is gone!

12. If you need to measure something sticky in a measuring cup, fill it with HOT water first, then dump the water out without drying...then measure and then watch how easily your ingredients slide out.

13.  Use hair conditioner to shave your's cheaper than shaving cream and leaves your legs really smooth, plus it's a good way to use any conditioner you bought for your hair that you didn't like.

14.  If you seal an envelope and realize you need to get back into it, stick it in the freezer for a couple of hours and it will open right up with very little effort. :)

15.  When you buy frosting in the tubs from the grocery store, whip it with your mixer for a couple of minutes and you'll get more frosting from the air that gets incorporated into it by the mixer. ( You can also add some powdered sugar to make it go even farther....about 1/2 cup)

16.  If you have leftover snickers bars (maybe from halloween candy) chop them up and add them to a few peeled, cored and sliced apples.....bake at 350degrees for 15 minutes and YUMMO!  Serve alone or with ice cream. :)

17. Add garlic immediately to a recipe if you want a light garlic taste, add it at the end if you want a stronger garlic taste.

18. To make scrambled eggs or omelets richer, add a couple of spoonfuls of sour cream, cream cheese or heavy cream before mixing.

19.  Add a teaspoon of water to ground beef when frying, it will help pull the grease away from the meat while cooking.

20.  MY FAVORITE tip is when you buy aluminum foil or plastic wrap, look at the ends of the box.  There are little perforated places on each end you can push in to keep your rolls inside the box! Who knew! :)

Hope you enjoyed my tips and tricks!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Patio Pleasure..... Come sit with me a while. LINK UP to Treasures and Trinkets Thursday!

I have been promising to show you guys my patio...I still don't have everything on it that I'd like, but I'll go ahead and show you what I've been doing this spring/summer. :)

Here is my before picture.
Not a lot going on here....

another angle.....

My old rug, old chandelier and antique window were about the only things happening here.

I went from this old rug that had definitely seen better days....

to this new rug that I got on clearance from
($42.00!~with free shipping!)

MUCH better! :)

I finally got my furniture out of the garage and started setting things up....

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my old window hanging there,
it just makes my patio feel more like an inside room...
PLUS it gives my patio a nice focal point and more to decorate! hee hee hee

I started doing some planting...

I have pink geraniums in my little "window" box.

Look closely and you 'll see old plates and a platter tucked in the back.

Here is  a shot of the patio with all my furniture out, the rug down, and some plants!

A little closer shot.....

Oh, I almost forgot to include the shot with the chandelier in it that I got for my birthday!
I liked the old chandy, but it only held candles...this one is new fangled and has electricity! LOL

Hope you enjoyed the little tour of my patio!
I still have some things I want to do...

1. Make my new pillows
2. Maybe put some curtains up in the corners to soften the look of the patio
3. Try to figure out how to make it more cottage-y
4. Incorporate a little more pink! :-)

You guys have any suggestions or ideas for things I haven't done...
I like new ideas.

I'm linking to DIY Outdoor @ A soft place to land

Blessings & Hugs
(that's what my friends call me and you are def my friends, so feel free to call me Missy!)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

From Brass to Beautiful! :) Goodwill Sconces gone bronze!

Ok, are you ready to see what I did with the brass sconces from Goodwill?
Here's a reminder of what they used to look like.

First, I primed them with Krylon white primer.
They look better already!

Then I gave them a coat of Oil Rubbed Bronze, also by Krylon and
here is what they look like now~

Isn't it amazing what a couple of coats of paint will do!!?
I bought the globes at Lowes on clearance...they had been $13.98 and I got em' for 5 bucks each! They weren't exactly made to go on this type of sconce, soooo...I epoxied them on, problem solved!

Here is where my sconces are hanging now...
(this is in my foyer/entrance hall)

Here's a little closer up....

Oh, I also painted the frame on the picture to match...
it was a  "not so attractive" gold color, this is so much better!

I love when I can find something no one else wants from Goodwill
 and turn it into something useful and pretty to boot!

If you missed what I did with the other goodwill goodies
click here and here

Have a blessed day and go do something creative!

I'll be linking up to:
DIY Project Parade @ DIY Showoff
Met Monday @ BTNOTP
Motivate me Monday @ Keep it simple
Show off your Cottage @ The house in the roses
Trash to Treasure @ Reinvented

mmm button

Friday, June 18, 2010

A little trip

My hubs had a business trip to Ohio this week, so Carson and I decided to tag along. (mainly for the swimming pool in the hotel) :)   The trip was to Perrysburg, Ohio and who knew what  a treat we were in for!  This is the most adorable, quaint little place!  It is so sweet and immaculate....I didn't seen one piece of trash or one unkempt lawn...these people must all have OCD! lol :)  Just kidding if you live there!! :)

This is our hotel...

I know, kinda average, but look at everything around it..!

It's called Levis Commons

Our hotel set right behind the most adorable shopping center ever!

Isn't it the sweetest architecture for a little strip mall!

Of course, I spent a lot of time in here.......

We bought my hubby a father's day gift in there!
They had metal sculptures and we got him a drumset...he LOVED it!
We had to go ahead and give it to him because we didn't have anywhere to hide it. lol

Carson and I walked to the shopping center everyday.
On our way we stopped and played here.....

The checkers to this set were as big as your was HUGE!!!  (and fun) :)

It felt like we were walking through the park on a nice summer day...everything was just beautiful!

OH, Carson needs you to know that we found an EB Game store...he got a new (well new to him) DS game...he was happy from then on. :)

I LOVED this store! We don't have one of these where I live...or if we do, I haven't found it yet.
This was a VERY cool store, it carried everything garden!

I liked it so much I took pictures to share with you guys.  The lady working there gave me a funny look while I was clicking my camera over and over, I explained that I had all these wonderful blogging buddies that needed to see all the cool stuff they carried...she said, "oh free advertising for us"! I said, "exactly". :)

Here's some of the cool stuff they had!~

Those green balls were covered with the softest carpet! (but I don't think they would hold up in a garden...hmm...guess not everything in the store was gardeny)

This was my favorite spot in the store...

One of the cloches had a hand blown bird on top..swoon!! 
I really wanted it, but I don't have one more spot for a cloche in my house! (besides it was $40 and I'm trying to be frugal on this trip)

I liked to shop, but this is what Carson wanted to do the whole trip....

Yep, the pool or the hot tub! 
I couldn't pay him to get in the hot tub the first day,
but by the last day I couldn't knock him out of it! lol

We saw this fountain everyday...this was the only pic I could get without a kid somewhere in it!
Guess it's a popular place to play! (gee I don't know why!)

We saw some really pretty houses while we were there...
this is my version of a drive by shooting!~ :)
(I'm surprised it's not super blurry cause we really were driving by when I shot it!!)

Isn't she lovely?

On the way to Perrysburg Ohio, I took this picture.
It's a statue in front of the Solid Rock Church in Monroe, Ohio
and it's called King of Kings.
Anyway, this is what it looked like on the way to Ohio....

Isn't it beautiful!

This is what it looked like on the way home....


Right after I took that first picture, a storm moved in and lightening struck the statue...
it burned to the ground and even damaged part of the church.
I read it cost $250.000 to build...I sure hope it was insured.
I imagine I got the last, or at least one of the very last, pictures of the statue.
This makes me sad. :(

So that is our short trip all rolled up into a blog post!
Sorry there was no Treasures and Trinkets Thursday this week, I forgot it was Thursday! :-o
Does anyone else do that...get there days mixed up when they're away from home?!~
Silly me!

Oh well!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Cabinet update...

I have been working some more on my cabinets that I showed you here and here.
I cut some more particle board the exact size of the top of the cabinet and made tops for my cabinets, here you can see it with the top in place.

Okay now, here is the biggest thing I've been working on....this should give you a hint as to what I'm going to do with these old cabinets. :)

I built this.....

It's built out of particle board and backed with luan (a very thin plywood)

and now I'm going to trim it out with this trim....

Do you have a clue what I'm going to do with my cabinets now??
I'll give more of an update when I get some more done....
moving slow after all my graduation antics last week, but it was SO worth it!

Hope you guys have a great week!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A project 18 years in the making!

Our video to our son for graduation, thought you might like to watch him grow up right in front of your eyes. I can't watch it anymore, I get a lump in my throat everytime!

Here's some of his Sr Pics

Isn't this a handsome face! (of course I'm his momma, it's my job to think he's handsome!)

He wants to be a still my heart!
sniff sniff...he makes me so proud!

Watch out ladies~!

I call this his John Stamos picture....he just reminds me of him in this picture for some reason! :)

I love this one....sigh.

He's gonna make some girl a wonderful hubby someday!

Things I love about Lincoln:

1. He has a heart of pure gold
2. He gave that heart to God a long time ago and wants to follow HIS ways.
3. Do you know he goes and helps his grandma clean house! (she gives him money, but I know he would do it without pay...he's told me so)
4. He calls the church and asks if there's anything there he can do. (he wants to be in his father's house) :)

I could write a book about all the things I love about Lincoln, but I won't put you through it...just know you will never meet a kinder, more gentle soul than my son....

Saturday my Lincoln graduated from high school!
Here are some memories of that day that'll I'll carry with me forever.

This is my son and my niece in line before the walk....

Here is the walk...

My son in Singers (an advanced choral group) singing
My Old Kentucky Home

This is what his little brother did through most of the graduation!
(we were there for over 4 hours..he had to do something)
He did listen when it was his brothers turn though.  :)

Finally his turn!

This is what a high school graduate looks like.....
proud and anxious to get out of the building! lol

A good group of kids all graduating from our church....
there are ten in all.  There was 540 that graduated!

My son and his former youth group leader...
they moved 6 hours away and drove all the way back just to see the kids graduate!~
Can you tell they like each other a little bit! :)

Back home to party!

and we partied BIG!
 This wasn't all the food!

We had about 50 people in our house and it
So much fun!

Here is what was important at the end of the day...
Our Son Graduated!
(with a B average too!)
We love him so much and we're so proud~!

Thanks for sharing in our day~!