
About Me

I have been married to my high school sweetheart for, well Valentines Day 2011, was 26 years.   We have a wonderful marriage and love each other more now, than that beautiful day 26 years ago.  We have three amazing boys that bring us joy everyday.  (okay, maybe there have been a few days that weren't joyful, but they are all eventful!) :-)  We love our kids with all our hearts, and can't imagine life without any one of them!   My husband, TJ, is such a blessing to me.  He's a hard worker, fabulous drummer (more like unbelievable!), and a great dad!
I am a Christian.......I'm not in a "religion", but have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  There's a HUGE difference ya know! I have a real relationship with Jesus..........a constant friend to turn to, no matter what life throws at me.  Life would be totally void without Him.  If you haven't tried giving your life to Him, you should try it........I know you won't be disappointed.  :)
I have a few past times that I enjoy, including dollhouses (building and playing in them........and no, I don't have to grow up), I like to garden (flowers and veggies!), I love homeschooling my youngest son....watching his face when he finally "gets it" is so gratifying,  and last-but certainly not least, is decorating.  I LOVE to take something that has no purpose and give it a new life..........I LOVE to take something that's an ugly duckling and turn it into the proverbial beautiful swan, I LOVE to take a space that no one wants to be in and turn it into the most favorite room in the house.  It's definitely a passion.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog! :-)