
Friday, August 20, 2010

How to keep sheets on those HUGE mattresses!

How many of you out there have matresses like this....

you know.... thicker than molasses on a winter day!

Don't you HATE it when you wake up in the middle of the night
and the corner of the sheet has slipped off the corners and you're lying on a bare mattress, because your sheets don't fit just right.

Well I have a solution for this nagging problem.

You'll need a piece of elastic to go from one side of the corner of the fitted sheet to the other,
like this.......

You can either sew it in place or put in in place with saftey pins, like this.
Yep, I took the easy way out and used the safety pins.
(no one's gonna see it!)
Make sure the you pull the elastic when you pin it so it'll be tight when you do the next step.

After you get it all pinned on, then you slip it under the corner of the mattress like this...

You may need to adjust the elastic if you don't
have it over far enough, but
 it works like a charm once you get it just right!

It holds the sheet on tight and you won't wake up with lines on your
face from sleeping on your bare mattress.
(but I can't guarantee you won't have blankie marks)

See how tight it holds the sheet on!
I have done this to all my sheets and they
never come off.

Hope you can use this tip!

Have a blessed day!

I'm linking to
Show off your stuff @ Fireflies and Jellybeans
Fun Fridays @ kojodesigns
Pinching Pennies Party @ The Thrifty Home


  1. Great tip; thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.


  2. Amazing idea!! I will be using this idea this weekend on a guest bed that needs it!!!

    Thanks Much,

  3. Very clever! Thanks for sharing today. You are truly awesome! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Anne

  4. Hi Missy! Great idea! I have one of those sleep number beds and if you don't buy their sheets sometimes it takes everything you have to pull the corner sheets over the mattress! You are so smart girl!~Hugs, Patti

  5. Why you are just a fountain of information! LOL How bout fountain of youth?? Got any of that?? I sure could use a dip!! LOL

  6. Such a great idea Missy, thanks for sharing! I have taken to buying new sheets that are extra deep, but now I can use my other ones :)!!!! yay!
    Have a good weekend chicky
    Jen xo

  7. Missy, this is a wonderful tip! There are elastic you can buy that has a clip on the end, but the piece of elastic and safety pins work for me! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Yep, I have that mattress and yep it pulls off in the middle of the night. I am going to get some elastic and safety pins!! Is'nt it funny how we just put up with stuff instead of fixing the problem!!


  9. I'm definately going to try this! My girls beds are ALWAYS coming apart, it drives me crazy! Thanks so much for the easy tip!

  10. I just have to tell you, I tried it and. . . it works like a charm!!! My kids were even jumping on the bed, and the sheets didn't even budge!! Thank you so much!!!!

  11. Great tip, i will have to try this. I have ripped so many sheet corners trying to pull them tight enough to stay on.


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