
Monday, August 30, 2010

My Favorite Posts

I now have my new tab up for all my favorite posts!
So if you're new, you'll be able to go back and see some of my faves,
 or if you're a veteran follower and just want to recall something I've done, you can go take a gander!
Hope you enjoy!


  1. Your kitchen will always remain one of my favorites! LOVE the island you created. Also adore the laminate cabinet you redid. Beautiful.

    Your Friend,

    PS Received your card today. :)

  2. I love that you put up your favorite posts button, I would love to see what you did with the clock, but the link did not work. I have an old clock that does not work and I am dying to know what you did with yours! thanks

  3. Carol..the link is working now. Actually the top line worked and the bottom one didn' weird is that? Anyway, it's fixed! :)

  4. Hey DARLING!!! I got the sweetest little card in the mail today! ;-) YOU are so very thoughtful, thank YOU! Cool that you added that tab...hmmm I may have to try that someday!


Please leave a comment so I know you were here! I read every single comment and truly enjoy hearing from you! (and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside too!)