
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Treasures & Trinkets & Hope

I know I am usually all happy and smiles,
but this has been a really rough week.
Our pastor resigned last Sunday and my heart has been less than happy. (long story that I won't go into, but he's an amazing pastor and I'm gonna miss him and his wonderful wife so much!)
I was feeling pretty sad, but God gave me this.............

see the rainbow...he gave me hope.
I'm not happy to see our pastor leave,
but I know God can take even the most devastating thing
and make it work for him.

The Bible says this in Romans 8:28
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose".
So no matter what happens, we have the knowledge that if we love
Him, it's all gonna work out.
Our church will be fine and so will our pastor.

So.....this wasn't exactly my usual post, no decorating or spray painting, but it does have beauty...what's better than
a rainbow given by God and the knowledge that HE
is our hope?

So, if you have something you'd like to share, or link, or if you just want to read this and go on, it's all up to you today.
Love you guys and be blessed.


  1. He is amazing, isn't He? I know the devastation of losing a Pastor you have come to know as friend and mentor. I will pray for you and your church and for healing for all involved. I hope you continue to find joy in the rest of your week. Blessings sweet friend, Patty

  2. Hi Missy!

    Oh, I am so sorry to hear about losing your pastor! We will be losing ours at the end of the year and haven't been able to find a replacement yet.

    I hope you have a better week!

  3. Hi Missy...I have been where you have been. If it is one thing I have been learning more and more as I get older is that nothing stays the same. Life is all about change. Speaking of husband and I seen double rainbows on our drive back from Columbus last week! That is something that I have never seen before! It was very inspiring! Chin up Missy....we all love you too!~Hugs, Patti

  4. i am sorry for your loss. but it just means God's at work- He has a plan for you and your church! in His love, deanna

  5. I think God uses people by allowing our paths to cross to teach us. When HE decides we need someone or something else, HE moves us along our journey. I'm sorry you are sad at the thought of losing your pastor and friend but I trust God and know something wonderful will come out of this for both of you. HE promised.

    Your Friend,

  6. Missy, I feel so bad. I rambled on and on today about a whole lot of nothing. I was so focused on myself and didn't even ask about your week. I pray that everything will work out for your church and the pastor.

  7. I am sorry you are sad. That rainbow was a wonderful sign of comfort that the Lord gave you. Isn't wonderful how he loves & cares for us.
    Hugs & Prayers

  8. I'm sorry you are feeling down right now, Missy...I know you will miss him! Change is always hard, but I like the verse~
    Romans 8:28
    And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Sometimes we just have to wait to see what God has planned for us...the rainbow was beautiful!

  9. Thanks everyone, for your thoughts and kind words, they mean a lot to me. :) I am feeling much better now and no matter what, I know God is going to take care of everything...HE's so much bigger than any situation! :)
    Love you guys
    MIssy :)


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