
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Baby Bird and Bunny!

For those of you who follow me on Facebook, you’ve seen some of these pictures, but I just had to show everyone the sweet shots I took of some nature around our house.

We were coming home the other day and walked toward the front door when we saw something furry dart around a flower pot.  At first it startled me, but then when I saw what it was, I VERY quickly ran inside the house to grab my camera.  This is when I wish I had a clue what I was doing with my camera, because you don’t get the chance to photograph this very often….

so sweet!!sweet!

He’s so cute I could just die!  He even let me pet his little back! This is the most tame bunny I have ever seen.  I stayed outside with him for about an hour and he would just hop up to my feet!
You certainly don’t get that opportunity every day!


Couldn’t you just kiss that little nose?!

so cute!sweet


I also found a baby dove up in our front tree….WAY up in our tree, so the pics aren’t the best, but he’s still sweet.

sweetbaby dovebaby dove in it's nest..way up in a tree

Just had to share my nature walk with you!

I am SO excited because I have some really fun projects coming up to show you! (at least two…maybe three, depending on how fast I can work! lol)

I’m working a really big project right now too, but trust me, it’s gonna be a while on that one!

What kinds of things have you been taking pictures of lately….nature, kids what? Please share!



  1. The baby bunny is precious. Of course we wouldn't think he was so precious if he was in the garden would we? lol

  2. Oh my goodness, I can't believe how close you got to that bunny! I did see the pics on FB but I just have to tell you again how cute this is! I just got done with my desk and posted it. The heat was so miserable while I was doing it! Can't wait to hear about what you are up to!~Hugs, Patti

  3. How cute! We get baby bunnies each spring, but never up close and personal! Love the close-ups!

  4. Oh my gosh I am dying of cuteness here!
    What an adorable little baby bunny! His/her ears aren't even long yet!
    What a treat you had being able to get so close and even touch!
    We have lots of bunny babies but I can never get close before they dart off.
    Such a gift from Nature to YOU!
    Thank you for sharing with us!!

  5. For not knowing what you're doing with your camera... I'd say you're doing pretty darn good!

    Such a sweet little fuzzy bunny. I had a toad on my back deck the other night. Didn't really inspire me to run for the camera though... ;)

  6. I missed these on fb. How adorable! Oh MY!
    his little ears don't look as big as they should. In some of the pics, he doesn't even look like a rabbit.
    thanks so much for sharing these!
    good luck with that huge project. It's HOT out there. I mowed, sawed, disassembled, sawed some more, sanded and spray painted this morning. Two hours, and I was done in!
    take care!
    ps don't forget to wear shoes! ;)

  7. I missed these on fb. How adorable! Oh MY!
    his little ears don't look as big as they should. In some of the pics, he doesn't even look like a rabbit.
    thanks so much for sharing these!
    good luck with that huge project. It's HOT out there. I mowed, sawed, disassembled, sawed some more, sanded and spray painted this morning. Two hours, and I was done in!
    take care!
    ps don't forget to wear shoes! ;)

  8. Thanks for sharing that nature walk....I enjoyed it and did not even have to get out and get hot. Love the bunny...that is just so sweet to have had him behave that way.

  9. all i can say is Awwwwwwwwwwwww...
    what in the world is cuter than a baby bunny... and how precious that he let you pet him.


  10. What a sweet photo opportunity and what a gift that he stayed around and let you just enjoy his presence. A sweet moment of stillness is truly a gift from God.

  11. Hey there! I was able to get some pictures of a grackle taking a bath in our bird bath and a dove flew down to join him, but decided to just watch. I was pretty proud of getting them, but they were NOTHING compared to your bunny!!!! He is adorable....and he let you PET him!!! How blessed are you?? I am so envious!

  12. And if you want to take a look at my sunbathing birds, I posted them under the title,"This Weather's For The Birds". You can find it on my side bar. :)

  13. Wow beautiful pictures! I can't believe you got so close to that adorable baby bunny! It almost doesn't look like a wild bunny.

  14. So cute! I love seeing the bunnies in our yard, too. They are bigger, though. And we can't get that close.
    How fun! ;-)

  15. That baby bunny is soooooooo sweet and I can't believe he let you pet him Missy!!! He is divine!
    Hugs to you!
    jen xo

  16. I put the princess on my lap and we looked at the pictures and did a whole lot of "ooooh is cute!", "Awwww I want to snuggle that cute bunny". LOL


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