Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!

Yep, today is my birthday and I want this……….

(if you can’t tell, I borrowed this picture from

If I was anywhere near Las Vegas and Freeds Bakery, I’m thinking I’d eat this cake! :0)

I would also like this for my birthday, but it’s not gonna happen…..WAY too much money for us to spend! It’s a Canon 18 megapixel EOS Rebel and it’s about $750.00+…told ya it’s not gonna  happen! lol

What I WILL get for my birthday is probably breakfast fixed by my hubby, a homemade card from my sons and lots of hugs and kisses.  I think that’s better than either of the above mentioned items, don’t you? :0)
Yep, today is my birthday so I thought I’d take a second and share a b-day memory with you!
One birthday in particular stands out to me…it’s when I was 8 years old. 
My mom and dad built me a house for my birthday.  Yep, you read that right…I got  a house.   They built me a little playhouse in our back yard and named it the Pine Knot Cabin.  I wish I had a picture of it, but I don’t.  I can tell you about it though. :0)
It had kitchen cabinets with a sink, a sliding glass window made from plexi-glass and a partition that divided the kitchen from the living room. It was furnished with furniture that my grandpa made for me……an adorable little couch and a table and chairs.  My mom helped decorate it by putting up decorative plates on the walls and helping me arrange all my stuff just right.
I spent MANY hours in that little house….it was a perfect little place to get away.  (from whatever an 8 year old needs to get away from! lol)
I’ve had a LOT of birthday since then, but that one will always stand out….I mean hey, I got a house.

What birthday memories do you all have…please share!
Love you all so much


Tabitha said...

Happy birthday!!! Your little house sounded wonderful and magical. That was an amazing present.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Happy Birthday, sweet friend! Hope you have a wonderful day!! Your playhouse sounds like every little girl's dream! On my 6th birthday, my parents gave me a pearl ring, which I proceeded to put on the wrong finger...and had to get the ring cut off!

Gypsea Nurse said...

Happy Birthday!!!
what an awesome gift! You never know you may get that camera!!!;)
In my family... our Sweet sixteen birthdays... instead of a big hoopla... We go to Paris with ma mere...
Not a bad gig... thank God I have only one girl!!!

Sherri said...

Missy, happy birthday to you!!! I love that story about your birthday house!! What a lovely memory!! You have a wonderful day today and do something special for yourself!!

Jen said...

Happy birthday gorgeous girl!! I wish I could share that cake with you - yuummo!
Your house sounds amazing, just what every little girl wants!
Hope you have a fabulous day!
Big hugs!
Jen xoxo

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

Happy Birthday Missy! I hope it's a good day and a great year!
I grew up on a very tight budget, I honestly can remember only one birthday, when I was about 11 I got to have a party and invite friends. I suppose the only reason I remember it is because I've seen photos of it. As an adult, my favorite is 50. Jamie and Missy were both out of town and came in for that bd, and surprised me while I was at lunch with work buddies. I spotted them crouching around a corner before I was supposed to know they were there! F.U.N.

Enjoy your wonderful day!

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Happy Birthday Girlfriend! Like you, I celebrate my birthday in the summer time too! My parties were always outside in the breezeway or in the garage if it was raining. I think the memories that stand out the most are sharing a birthday cake with my friends from childhood that I am still friends with some of them, and of course, my parents. I do remember getting a John Lennon Beatle doll one year! Have a great day Missy, and always cherish those breakfasts in bed and those homemade birthday cards! Love ya! Patti

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Wishing you a WON.DER.FUL birthday.... filled with lots of joy and love...


Charo said...

Feliz Cumpleaños!

Mrs. Jones from the Circus said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

I love your little story. I remember for my Mom's birthday one time, my uncle gave her an old tire and some rope so my Dad could make us a tire swing. We just thought it was so funny that my Mom got a worn out tire and rope!! Truth is, her brother had just made a tire swing for his kids, the rope was extra and they lived on a farm so he busted the tire out of the barn! We still tease her about that present...truth is, I don't think she cared at all because we played with that rope and tire for YEARS!!

Marilyn said...

It's your special, special day!
So we all shout hurray!

My memory of birthday's is celebrating with my cousin. I am 20 minutes older than he is. I miss doing that now that we are older! He just doesn't get out and doesn't care to be with family anymore.

Happy Birthday and wishes for many more. ♥♫

imsteelefullofscrap said...

Happy Birthday I hope you have a wonderful day!

Stella said...

Happy Birthday, what a wonderful memeory. Ever little girls should have a house to dream in.

Anonymous said...

happy happy birthday! :)

Curtains in My Tree said...

Happy Birtday a day late

I love that cake and could eat the entire thing LOL

and I always wondered what those cameras cost

afistfullofweeds* said...

I hope you get the cake, AND the camera!! Happy Birthday Sweet Friend!! Rhonda

Patty said...

Sorry I'm a little late to the party sweet friend. I hope you saved me a slice of that yummy pink cake! Hope your day was all you deserve. Patty

Fairfield House said...


I don't know how I missed this post. I will blame it on the meds I am taking for migraine relief. At least we got to connect via Twitter on your birthday and I was able to express my wishes there. I hope you had a wonderful day celebrating with those you love most.

Your little house sounds like a dream come true for a little girl. I hope your parents have some photographs of you playing in it.
When I turned 10, I got a horse. She was a black and white pinto named Raggedy Anne.

Your Friend,

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday!
I hope you are still celebrating.

Wow- your own house at 8?
Then I think a Canon is not too much to wish for.

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