This is my hubby…..
Yesterday, my oh so sweet, hubby called me from work and asked (in a very apologetic tone!!) if I could come pick him up from work and take him to the hospital. Panic!
He was having chest pains and his blood pressure was through
the roof. I had just stepped out of the shower and was so worried about getting to him in a speedy manor. He said he would get the nurse that works for him to take him on to the hospital and I could just meet them there. I was relieved he would get there sooner. I threw on some clothes and took off to the hospital as quick as I could.
Upon my arrival they were admitting him and within 15 minutes were already talking about doing a heart cath. We were just so sure it wasn’t his heart that we questioned everything they said. They did an EKG and it came back ok, as did his enzymes. They then decided to do an echocardiogram…
echoc machine
This test didn’t come back normal….it said he had a leaky heart valve. The Dr. came in (hours later..ugh!) and told us it could be nothing, but it could be something life threatening and he wanted to do the heart cath. Our heads were spinning! They took him to the operating room within 15 minutes of the Dr coming in to talk to us.
This is what they do in the heart cath…they go into your main artery in your groin and insert a sheath. They inject dye into your system through the little tubes and then take pictures.
This is what they were about to do to my hubs.
I won’t lie to you…it was super scary! I was there alone, and they had just wheeled my hubby out to do, Lord knows what to him. They said if there was a blockage they would put in a stint, if there was nothing wrong it would be over quickly and if they found something more, we would be there for long time.
I started to pray…then I put out a petition for prayer on twitter…I have some amazing blogger friends, as well as some wonderful “real life” friends too. You guys just rock my world with your sweetness! I can’t even begin to tell you what you mean to me!
I opened up my Bible app on my iphone and it immediately opened to Isaiah 26:4 it says, “ Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.” Now that’s what I needed to read!
I started calling family and friends to pray. I had a couple of friends ask if they could come up and one said, “never mind, I’m on my way”. Thanks Elisha for coming! (and thanks Diedre for offering to turn around and come to my rescue!)
God is good.
Before Elisha could even get to the hospital, my hubby was back in the room, the Dr came in and said there was nothing wrong with his heart and we could go home it two hours. By the time she got there, he already had a dinner plate and I was feeding him!
It turns out, some pain he was having in his back from degenerative disc disease, was radiating into his chest and also making his blood pressure spike.
We are home now, and he’ll have to rest for a few days, but other than that (and some therapy for his back, hospital bills and exhaustion) we are doing great!
Thanks for your prayers!
Love you all
PS…please forgive me if I don’t get to reply to your comments for a day or so….I’m playing nursemaid. :)
How frightening Missy! I am so thrilled to hear that it wasn't something worse than what it was! I can just imagine your relief! The Mr. has my prayers and postive thoughts! And of course my prayers are with you as well. You just take care of the hubby and thank our Lord for being there with you.
Diann :)
As I told you earlier, I am so glad that it was not his heart and all is well..except for his disc...that is a whole other ballgame! Take good care of your sweety!~Hugs, Patti
Oh Missy!! I know how scared you must have been! I went through almost the exact same thing with my hubby 3 and a half weeks ago - it is so scary! I am just so glad your darling husband is okay! How vulnerable our big strong men seem when they are laid out in a hospital bed connected to every wire under the sun! Praise God for His comfort and blessing! Take care of him and of course yourself!
Big hugs!
Jen xoxox
I was away from twitter, I had no idea until it was over with.
I'm so sorry ya'll had to go through this, and you alone for some of it! I am so happy that it was not his heart. After the scare I had last year, I know that having these tests gives one a sigh of relief.
I wish him well with his back, I hope it gets taken care of very quickly.
God is good, God is amazing!
Oh my gosh Missy, how terrifying that ordeal was! On a good note, at least he knows he's got a good ticker:) Take care of your hubby, that's what's most important right now and we will all be thinking of you and sending good thoughts and prayers your way!
I used to link up to your Thurs. party then somehow I dwindled off:( I will link up when things get back to normal and your party is back. Hugs!!!
I like your uneventful days better! :)
So happy your husband's heart was not the problem. Now I'm praying that physical therapy relieves the pain he is in.
Your Friend,
Wow Missy that must have been so scary for you!!
I am glad that your husband is fine and home with you.
It is amazing to me all these wonderful caring people in blog land
Take care of your hubby and yourself too!!!
Oh my goodness, Missy! What an ordeal. I can't imagine how scared and out-of-control you must have felt. So glad he is doing ok!
Wow, what a scary day for both of you. Glad it turned out to do something about the disc.
Take good care of him! We did something similar over ten years ago, and Wally had to have bypass surgery that very night! Our surgeon was the best in his business and I asked him if he'd be too tired to do a good job! (It was 9:30 at night and I didn't want him to "mess up" by surgery happening so late). So I understand the questioning perfectly. ♥♫
Missy, that is very frightening!! I am glad your hubby is okay. BTW he is a very handsome man!
Wow! How scary. Glad everything turned out okay.
Hugs~ Amanda
i am so happy to hear your husband is back at home! how scary. i will keep your husband in prayer and that the Lord provide the money to cover the hospital bills. take care friend.
Oh Missy, I'm so sorry for all this you have both been through... You "Both" are in my prayers... Giant Hugs to you Sweetie! I'm sure Valentine's Day came early for you this year as you really felt your love for each other...
Have a comforting week,
Missy, my goodness! Thank God that it turned out this way although my heart is breaking knowing he was in so much pain from his back. If I twittered, I would have known and could have prayed sooner. Obviously everyones prayers worked! I hope they get his back pain under control! HUGS
Isn't it crazy that back problems can mimic heart problems? The same thing happened to my husband.
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