Sunday, March 28, 2010

Trash to Treasure Lamp Shade....literally!

Quite a few years back my husband and I were driving home from church on a Sunday afternoon, when something caught my eye. Was I seeing things or was it really and truly the lampshade that I had been coveting in a neighbors window for months, sitting in the trash!(I know, I know, thou shalt not covet!) :) Lo and behold, it was THE lampshade! I told my husband to pull over cause I was gettin' that lampshade. I assume he thought I was joking cause he drove on around the corner to our house. :-/ I told him to leave the van running cause I wasn't kidding, I was going back for that lampshade! I won't go into the strange looks he gave me, but lets just say he thought I'd flipped my lid. :) I drove on back to the house and the lady that owned it was about to take a walk. I asked her if I could have the shade and she asked me if I'd re-cover it for her. ( it had seen better days.) LOL I told her I had never done that before and wouldn't want to disappoint her............soooo, she said I could have it. :) I really and truly had never covered a lampshade before, but figured I could try it for myself and if I messed up, I messed biggie! I took home my prize and immediately started looking for something suitable to re-cover it with. I found some lining fabric that was thick enough so you couldn't see through it, but pliable and stretchy enough to hug the wire frame. I was able to save the vintage fringe and trim from the original covering, so glad too.....the trim is about 1 1/2" wide! I used the old fabric from the lamp as a pattern and allowed just enough extra for a seam allowance. I stretched the new shade covering over the frame and with some hot glue and a few blistered fingers later...........walla, a new shade! I LOVE this lampshade........I wish I had a before shot of it, but I wasn't blogging then and didn't think to take a pic. Just picture the shade how it looks now with a lot of water stains and a few tears from dry rot and you'll see what the old shade looked like then. :-D Anyway, this lampshade is HUGE! It measures close to a yard across the bottom........fabulous for my floor lamp! So, if you happen to see an old lampshade on the side of the road, make sure your husband knows you're not joking when you tell him to pull'll save you some time from having to go backtracking. :) Enjoy your day and your dumpster diving! lol

isn't this vintage trim yummy!

You can't buy the color of aged fringe like this!

Here's my lampshade all redone and sitting in my foyer.........ain't she a beauty!! :) Not bad for FREE!!!

I'm linking up to:
Make it for Mondays @ Cottage Instincts
Met Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Show off your Cottage @ The house in the roses
Make Your Monday@ Twice Remembered
It's So Very Cheri
Trash to Treasure Tuesday @ Reinvented
DIY Day @ A Soft Place to Land


Tanza said...

Hi Melissa,
WoW girlie !! this is gorgeous !! I can't believe you just did that .. It looks store bought PERFECT !! The shape is just so Victorian and Vintage looking .. Thanks for sharing a sweet make-over, you talented one you !! Have a super week ~
hugs ~tea~xo

Laura said...

This is amazing! I have a vintage lamp shade that I absolutely love. Great job!

I'm hosting a giveaway and I'd love it if you stopped by my blog!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great job! I have never covered one before - not sure I could. :)

afistfullofweeds* said...

That thing is awesome!!! Love it!! (What if she comes for a visit??) Better be thinking of a hiding spot!! LOL

Cindy@shabbynsweet said...

What a gorgeous lampshade! Guess your hubby knows your serious now when you tell him to stop. Does your neighbour visit you?

Anonymous said...

Oh, my gosh. I wasn't expecting it to be that beautiful. Honey, you just have the touch! If you happen to pass through MO, would you stop by and give me some advice? The first time you attempt something, it turns out incredible.

Unknown said...


Rose @ Confessions of a Curbshopaholic said...

That is gorgeous! Good save from the trash.

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Melissa......That is an amazing redo on a very difficult looking shade~ You are one of those people that can redo anything with great success! Nice job!~Patti

Charo said...

Your lampshade is gorgeous!!!

Gweny said...

Gorgeous!!! If only I could find one in someones TRASH....You did a magnificent job recovering it too. BTW, once in the trash, its anyones treasure, You just don't ask for it back, much less in better shape LOL

My Cottage Charm said...

Thanks everyone! That neighbor is not a person that comes over, so she won't get it back! LOL :) Gweny, you're right...once it'r redone you don't get it back! :)

Bella's Rose Cottage said...

Hi.. Yoyr shade sure is a beauty! Great job! Bella

Melissa said...

that is beautiful!

I need some advice whenever you have time lol I really like this chandelier:

is there any way that I could add crystals on it? Would you add them at the top or bottom? thanks!! =)

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy said...

Wow, this lampshade has quite the story!! So unique! Love it.


Cher' Shots said...

Why is it our husbands don't believe us when we say we're stopping to "pick that up" or "I have a plan for that" ~ lol. I love your lamp and can totally understand keeping your eye on it.

mariondee-designs said...

Oh my! You did an excellent job on that shade. I can't believe that was your first time! It looks beautiful and those shades are my most favorite as I just love the shape. My hubby knows me really well by now, if that was us in the car, he would have asked me if I wanted to stop to get it.. lol! He knows me tooo well. take care, Maryann

Atticmag said...

That's a superb job. Looks like it was made that way (which of course it was). Terrific find and result. Hope you'll drop by and see our lavender fantasy bath. -- Jane F.

Marigene said...

Wow, that is gorgeous!

Wanda Lee said...

Hello there sweetie,

What a wonderful,'trash to treasure', story and what ateasure of afind.., You did a marvelous job, that lampsahde is is just sooo big and beautiful!

Do pop by for a visit to enjoy my 'Strawberry Spring tea', along with my little jewelry display dolls once more my dear..,

Cheers from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

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