Have you ever priced cabinet feet? Let me just tell you they’re expensive…anywhere from $20 upwards to $60 PER foot! Crazy I tell ya! I’ve been wanting to put feet on my kitchen cabinets for a long time, but I’m sure not paying those prices! Then I came across a fabulous tutorial that’s floating around in blogland on how to make your own cabinet feet. I was totally inspired by it, so I made my own. Heather, over at The Picket Fence, came up with this idea, and it’s great!
To make your cabinets have feet like this…..
you just need to buy a few packages of these from Lowes….
These are made for curtain rods or crafts and you get two in a pack for $2.86!! (if you want cheap curtain rods, these on closet doweling would be great!_
You’re going to want to remove the screw with pliers like this…
To get mine to fit under the cabinets, I cut off the round top of the finial to make it flat, like this……
You’re also going to want to purchase some 1” flat head plugs. They’re $2.55 a pack.
I used my Gorilla glue that I got on my Bloggers Jaunt back in June to glue the plugs in place…
Just place a little dab of blue on the end of the finial that you took the screw out of like this….. (sorry about the blurry picture)
Just place the plug on your dab of glue and let dry….
Then you just prime and paint, or stain them, the color you need. I just glued mine in place with gorilla glue, but you could just hot glue them in place too, they just wouldn’t be as permanent.
Here’s the before and after pics of my cabinets….
AFTER: (and please over look the dirt on my floors, I guess I really should sweep before doing after pictures! lol) :0)
Here’s the price break down…
I bought : 4 packs of finials at $2.86 a pack $11.44
2 packs of plugs at $2.55 a pack 5.10
for a total of $16.54!!
I did all my cabinets for less than the cost of one foot! woo to the hoo!
Hope you enjoyed the tutorial and let me know if you do this to your cabinets!
Girl you are just rocking with these awesome ideas. You are making my to do list grow every day! Keep em coming
Good Morning Missy Sweetie...
Oh my goodness gracious. I am so in love with this gorgeous makeover. I love seeing the little legs under the cabinets. It so takes away from the ugly, empty space we all have. I love it. Sweetie, you have inspired me to get a few of these. I am going to be painting cabinets soon, and I too want some little decorative legs beneath my cabinets. So beautiful and country, and not expensive either. What a great idea. I thank you for sharing this morning. I am off to add that to my list for Home Depot shopping.
Please stop by my blog and leave a comment. We are having Miracle Makeover and it ends tomorrow August 18th. Guidepost Magazine and Design Gives Back will donate 1.00 for every comment left on my blog. (I am one of the hosting sites.) We are trying to raise funds for the next Miracle Makeover, and you just have to meet Charlie and his family. Charlie is this years makeover, he is 8 years old, and has cancer. He will just melt your heart. Hope to see you stop by. Country hugs from Phoenix, Sherry
BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Have a pretty day!
Too cute! I've seen this before and never thought to do it myself! Thank you for opening my eyes and inspiring me to do another project!!!
I can't wait to get started!!
Great idea - they look great. Small changes can make a big difference!
They look great and make such a difference in the look of the cabinets.
Very cute, and so easy!!I'm filing this away for future reference!
Thanks for sharing! Such a simple little project that makes a HUGE impact. I also appreciate that you took pictures of the packages of items that you used. That makes it so much easier to find them in the store.
Your kitchen look great!
super cute!!!!
What a genius you are!!! Love this.....it makes such a difference in the look. When I finally get around to painting my cabinets, I'm going to copy this!!!!
I have a blog for you to go feast your eyes on....the most amazing photos I have ever seen.....I found it by typing next blog, next blog....and I know you just got your camera, so go by here and look. http://lifeinstillmode.blogspot.com/
You won't be sorry!!!
Oh my! I love cabinet feet...and 5 minutes ago, I had never seen a pair! Great directions; thank you! I may have to re-examine the cabinets in my new house...who knows! They may need feet too! Thanks for sharing!
WONDERFUL!!!! And the photos tell us not only what to do but exactly what to buy!!!!!! GREAT idea....thank you! Sandy
great idea! I have enough pieces in my garage to do this for free! hahah
I collect TOO much junk!
Your cabinets look super my friend!
woo to the hoo! LOL
you're so silly!
great inspiration!
Excellent and such an EASY project. What a difference some simple "little feet" can make. I added the photo to my Pinterest board. I'm hoping to be able to use the idea when my hubby and I re-store a 170 year old house. Thanks for sharing. :)
That looks so awesome, Missy! And I actually found some legs at a garage sale today!! Love your tutorial- thanks!
what a great, great idea!!! Looks like they were original to the piece and so inexpensive to do. I love it :) Way to go, Missy!
Found your blog on the Haven 2012 Twitter page.
I absolutely love this idea! And, I love that you got that gorgeous look in your kitchen for under $20. Fabulous!
Missy they look FABULOUS! I think you might be the first person (at least that I've seen) that's tried my idea and I am so happy the finial feet worked for you! Your cabinets look just lovely. Thanks for the shout-out, I appreciate it so much! :)
Heather @ At The Picket Fence
I just have one question...How do you get the crumbs and dog hair (if you've got dogs of course..haha!) out from behind the feet? I was going to add feet in our old kitchen and kept wondering about that.
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