As we went through the last time I spotted this!~
I was so excited as it got closer to my grasp! I pulled it down off the shelf and admired it's loveliness and then I did it...........I tilted it over to see the price heart sank- $49.99!!! I showed it to my hubby and he said, "honey, I really don't mind if you want to get it". (I told you he was wonderful!) I put it in my cart and walked around with it in there for a good 1/2 hour before I put it back on the shelf. Sometimes money is a little tight and I just couldn't bring myself to put out that much money, even though I loved this piece with all my heart. I left the store with a heavy see this was one of those pieces that was just tugging at my heart strings and calling to my soul. *Sigh*....I had done it, I was a good girl and left it on the shelf. I must tell you I was a bit mopey the rest of the day as I continued to think about my treasure that was sitting on that shelf. I say my treasure, but it wasn't mine at all, it was still there...destined to sit alone in the store until someone else swooped it up and took it home. :(
Well Sunday morning rolled around and I had a severe headache and just couldn't pull myself out of the bed to go to church. I hate to miss church, but this was one of those headaches where I knew I would probably throw up if I tried to make myself get up and go, so my family went without me. After they had lunch, my middle son Lincoln called and said they were going to have to run and get gas and do a few things and then they'd be on home. I said fine and laid back down. A little while later I hear the door open and my hubby yelling my name to come down stairs. I asked him what he needed cause I still wasn't feeling well. He said, "just come here a second." As I dragged myself out of the bed and rounded the corner to the open landing of our staircase, my honey said, "where did you want me to put this?" He was standing there with MY three tiered server in his hand!! He had driven all the way back to the store (about 30 minutes away), not even knowing if my treasure would still be there, just to surprise me and make me happy. I ran down the stairs and threw my arms around his neck and gave him a huge hug and a kiss. I couldn't believe he had done that for me! As I stood there looking at him, the server became much less important than the gesture that it took to make it mine.
This is my wonderful new server in all it's glory!!!
Just look at the details and the prisms dripping all's like warm honey pouring over my soul! :)
Isn't she lovely?!!
Now meet the man that made her mine. This is the love of my life, his name is TJ...........yeah, just like my favorite store in the world! But he's more precious to me than anything that could come from there............even my lovely new treasure!

Didn't I have a great weekend! :-)

Oh Yeah, That will look great in your beautiful kitchen, Thanks for shareing. Julian
uugh, that darn table! I've always wanted to do a mosaic table top. it's been on my list for years. I'm afraid it might also take me years to finish!! lol.
I'm hoping with yard sale season ahead I'll find a replacement table. for know I guess i'll stick with a table clothe ! lol
awww, lucky you! To have such a wonderful mister! Sorry you felt so bad, hope you're feeling a LOT better by now. Yep, Louisville KY, that's where I am! Hope you're having a great week!
OH that just makes your EXTRA BEAUTIFUL and LOVELY server so much more special. It's priceless now! You obviously picked a good guy! ;0) I hope your headache is gone, too. Funny about the Thursdays treasure...I'm a true airhead ditz. I totally admit it! LOL But I did join the blog party! About my back, I've had 3 spinal surgeries, two of which were fusions. I hope your husband is doing well after his even though it was years ago. I apparently have a "special" case...lucky! LOL So I am no longer working (I totally get the budget thingy!) and I really miss it.
Ahhh...what a sweet thing to do! That was so nice of him! It is so beautiful! The memory that goes with it will make it even more special years down the road!
I love that!! I Love shiney and bling!! Lucky you!! Come see my blingie wreath I made! Rhonda
Yep, you got a good one. What a beautiful are so right the giver is even more beautiful than the gift.
What a wonderful weekend -- proof positive that the thought, gesture of giving is so much more than the gift. Your gift, however is simply stunning; so much detail. It compliments your beautiful back splash.
Aint love grand!
Aw! What a sweet, sweet surprise from you hubby :o) Hope you are feeling better and no more headache.
Blessings & Aloha!
(stopping by from the blog hop)
TJ sounds like good people to me!! Your gift is lovely!!
KISS THAT MAN AGAIN! He is I love it when hubby's do wonderful things for their wives. And of course it makes you want to do everything for him! Love it love it love it! I like your server, like your hubby and love your story even more!
Great post.
Now where did my husband go....I think we need to drive or and see Maxx! Big smile
Did you ever see the post at My Romantic Home about how someone took the same server and switched it up a bit to look like Cindys porceline server?
I have a two tiered one and even though I live in a small space, I love it and use it all the time
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